You don't have so many losses and damage claims to file, and you have fewer multiple freight bills. 你不会有很多损失,也不会有索赔提出来,几乎没有运输公司的各种运费帐单。
Based on the principle of multiple alternatives and the application of multi-objective programming method, it advances the target of optimizing express freight train formation diagram and the optimization method of the express freight trains. 以多方案为基础运用多目标规划方法的原理,提出快运货物列车组织的目标和快运货物列车编组方案的优化方法;
Most researches have indicated that wheel-rail wear is resulting from comprehensive function of multiple factors, and the heavy haul freight car bogie plays a very important role. 研究表明,轮轨磨损是多种因素综合作用的结果,而重载货车转向架性能对轮轨的磨损起着重要的作用。
Through the establishment of multiple linear regression equation, this chapter predicts that freight volumes in 2020, has a volume of goods and freight density, they will be greatly enhance and the latter will be reduced. 通过建立多元线性回归方程,预测了2020年的货运量、货车拥有量和货运密度,两两者将大幅提高,后者将降低。
The experimental data obtained by the simulation of MATLAB showed this genetic algorithm can solve the optimal Pareto solution aggregate of the ULD region 'multiple inbound tasks freight lot allocation problem. 通过MATLAB编程仿真所得到的实验数据表明这种遗传算法可较好地求解出集装区多ULD入库作业任务货位调度问题的最优Pareto解集。